
Introduction to the NUbots codebase and high-level architecture.
Ysobel Sims GitHub avatarCameron Murtagh GitHub avatarThomas O'Brien GitHub avatar
Updated 5 Oct 2023

The NUbots repository is the main codebase that runs on the robots. Its purpose is to control the robot during RoboCup matches. The NUbots codebase, along with all other NUbots code, is open source and can be found on GitHub. The primary language in the NUbots codebase is C++.

The main parts of the NUbots codebase are behaviour, motion, vision, and localisation. Behaviours include strategy, planning and skills. Motion includes kicking, getting up, and walking. Vision includes ball, goal and field detectors. Localisation determines where the robot, ball and the field are in the world through odometry.

At the top level, the robot will use strategy to decide what to do based on the game state. This includes unique behaviour for penalty shoot-outs.

The next level down is planning. This includes planning the path to walk along to get to the ball facing the right goal. Below planning is skills. Skills include kicking, walking, getting up, and looking at objects.

Next is motions. Motions include how the robot moves its feet to walk, and what movements it does to kick or get up.

After motions is hardware input and output. The hardware will output the commands and input the information from the world. This will then go through a sensor filter so that the robot can interpret the information. This information then influences strategy.

All these modules are connected using NUClear, a message passing software architecture. More can be found on NUClear here.

SVG diagram of a graph generated from DOT notationdigraph { "Strategy" -> "Planning" -> "Skills" -> "Motions" -> "Hardware IO" -> "Strategy" }StrategyPlanningSkillsMotionsHardware IO
An overview of the system


The robot codebase contains roles, which are recipes for creating a binary to run on a robot. A role file lists all the modules to be used in that binary. Only modules included in the role file will run, provided the code is triggered. All roles can be found in the roles folder in the first level of the repository and have the extension .role. For specifics about the NUClear roles system, see the NUClear page.

When adding modules to the list in a role, use the syntax path::to::module. For example, if you want to include the DataLogging module, check the path to that module relative to the module folder. The path is support/logging/DataLogging, so we include the line support::logging::DataLogging.

The following is a table of roles that exist in the NUbots codebase and possible use cases for them.

Role NameUsage
fake/keyboardwalkTest parts of the code without a real robot. Demonstrate basic functionality of the robot. Part of the Getting Started example since it does not require a real robot.
fake/visualmeshTest the vision system, such as detection of balls and goals, in a simulated environment.
firmwareinstallerInstall subcontroller firmware to the robot.
keyboardwalkDemonstrate the robot manually with a keyboard, particularly in a setting without a field.
natnetGet motion capture data from a Motive motion capture system.
playbackPlay back data to view in NUsight without triggering any other processes in the system.
ps3walkDemonstrate the robot manually with a PS3 controller, particularly in a setting without a field.
robocupPlay RoboCup games on the real robot.
scriptrunnerRun scripts such as the Stand.yaml script, which is useful to run before doing anything with the robot.
scripttunerTune/modify/create scripts.
systemconfigurationEnsures the robot is set up with required packages, networking and more.
test/behaviourTest individual behaviours in isolation.
test/cameraTest if the cameras are working and calibrate the cameras.
test/directorTests the Director system.
test/gamecontrollerTest the connection between the robot and GameController.
test/localisationTest localisation using an interface similar to keyboard walk.
test/nusightTest the connection with NUsight. This role only sends dummy chart data through the NUsightHarness module.
test/plotjugglerTest the connection with PlotJuggler.
test/sensorTest odometry (needs NUsight). Test the subcontroller and servo data without the robot moving.
test/visualmeshTest the vision system on a real robot.
webots/behaviourTest behaviours in isolation within Webots.
webots/keyboardwalkTest motions in Webots with manual control.
test/localisationTest localisation using an interface similar to keyboard walk within Webots.
webots/robocupPlay RoboCup games in the Webots simulator.
webots/scripttunerTune/modify/create scripts in the Webots simulator.
webots/webotsTest the connection between the robot code and Webots.

In a role, you should have only one platform. Possible platforms are platform::${SUBCONTROLLER}::HardwareIO, platform::HardwareSimulator and platform::Webots.

Any code should run with platform::HardwareSimulator, but this is a very basic simulated robot and does not consider gravity - this may be useful if you want to see a motion run on the robot without the robot falling down, or if you want to test if the code runs without setting up the real robot or a simulator.

platform::${SUBCONTROLLER}::HardwareIO is used for the real robot. You will get a runtime error if you do not run this on a robot, as it will be unable to find the hardware needed.

platform::Webots is used with the Webots simulator. The code will only run if an appropriate Webots controller is running.

System Diagram

This is a general system diagram for the robocup role. Hardware Input and Camera can be replaced with Webots when considering the webots/robocup role. These roles are used in the main RoboCup competition and the Virtual Season competition. Transitive edges have been removed to make the graph easier to view.

SVG diagram of a graph generated from DOT notationdigraph { {"Servo State", "IMU State"} -> "Hardware Input" -> "Forward Kinematics" -> "Odometry" -> "Visual Mesh" "Camera" -> "Visual Mesh" -> "Green Horizon" -> {"Ball Detector", "Field Line Detector"} "Field Line Detector" -> "Field Localisation" -> "Strategy" "Ball Detector" -> "Ball Localisation" -> "Strategy" "Game Controller" -> "Purpose" subgraph cluster_director { label="Director" "Purpose" -> "Strategy" -> "Planning" -> "Skill" -> "Actuation" } "Actuation" -> "Servo Command" -> "Hardware Output" }DirectorServo StateHardware InputIMU StateForward KinematicsOdometryVisual MeshGreen HorizonCameraBall DetectorField Line DetectorBall LocalisationField LocalisationStrategyPlanningGame ControllerPurposeSkillActuationServo CommandHardware Output
The system diagram for the robocup role
SVG diagram of a graph generated from DOT notationdigraph { compound=true subgraph cluster_purpose { label = "Purpose" "Striker" "Defender" "Goalie" } subgraph cluster_strategy { label = "Strategy" "KickToGoal" "WalkToBall" "FallManagement" } subgraph cluster_planning { label = "Planning" "KickTo" "WalkTo" "LookAround" "Plan Getup" "Plan Fall" } subgraph cluster_skill { label = "Skill" "Kick" "Walk" "Look" "Getup" "Relax" } subgraph cluster_actuation { label = "Actuation" "LegIK" "Arms" "Head" } "Defender" -> "WalkToBall" [ltail=cluster_purpose,lhead=cluster_strategy] "WalkToBall" -> "LookAround" [ltail=cluster_strategy,lhead=cluster_planning] "LookAround" -> "Look" [ltail=cluster_planning,lhead=cluster_skill] "Look" -> "Arms" [ltail=cluster_skill,lhead=cluster_actuation] }PurposeStrategyPlanningSkillActuationStrikerDefenderWalkToBallGoalieKickToGoalLookAroundFallManagementKickToWalkToLookPlan GetupPlan FallKickWalkArmsGetupRelaxLegIKHead
The behaviour subgraph driven by the Director system

All modules may send information to Data Logging to generate NBS files, Console Log Handler for command line output, NUsight to show data in NUsight, and PlotJuggler to show graphs in PlotJuggler.

Other roles may only have a subset of the above diagram, for testing purposes. Some roles, such as ps3walk and keyboardwalk are also for demonstration purposes and bypass the autonomous planning sections of the system with user input.


We have documentation automatically generated from the main codebase here.

Log Level

When printing to the terminal, the log function is used.

log<NUClear::INFO>("Hello World!");

The NUClear::INFO is the log level. The log will only print if the module's log level is set to INFO or higher in the configuration file. The following table describes the log levels.

TRACEUsed to debug code.
DEBUGUsed to debug behaviour.
INFOUsed to inform the user of what the module is doing.
WARNUsed to warn the user that something has gone wrong, but the system can still perform its functions.
ERRORUsed to inform the user that something has gone wrong, and the module cannot perform its intended function at this time.
FATALUsed to inform the user that something has gone wrong, and the module will never be able to perform its intended function again.
Build System
NUbots acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations. We acknowledge that our laboratory is situated on unceded Pambalong land. We pay respect to the wisdom of our Elders past and present.
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