
Documentation for each localisation module in the main NUbots codebase
Updated 25 Aug 2024



This module takes in a list of vision balls, uses the ball measurement closest to our current estimate and applies an Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the balls position and velocity in world space.


Include this module to allow the robot to estimate the balls position and velocity.


  • message::vision::Balls uses the ball position estimate from vision
  • message::input::Sensors uses sensors to compute transform from camera {c} to torso space {t}
  • message::support::FieldDescription uses field description to obtain height of ball off the ground


  • message::localisation::Ball contains filtered ball position measurement




A particle filter based localisation method for estimating the where the field is in world space, which relies solely on field line observations.


Include this module to allow the robot to estimate where the field is in world space.


  • message::vision::FieldLines uses the field line observations from FieldLineDetector module


  • message::localisation::Field contains the estimated (x, y, theta) state and covariance


  • Eigen
  • utility::math::stats::MultivariateNormal Utility for sampling from a multivariate normal distribution



A localisation method for estimating the where the field is in world space, which relies on field line points and field line intersections using non-linear optimisation.

Optimization Setup

The optimization framework integrates several cost components and constraints to compute the optimal field localisation state:

Cost Components

  1. Field Line Alignment Cost (JflJ_{\text{fl}}):

    • Measures the alignment of predicted field lines with observed ones.
    • Calculated as the squared Euclidean distance between field line points and the nearest point on any observed line, scaled by a predefined weight: $$ J{\text{fl}} = w{\text{fl}} \sum{i=1}^{N} \left( \text{dist}(r{\text{obs}i}, r{\text{line}}) \right)^2 $$
  2. Field Line Intersection Cost (JfiJ_{\text{fi}}):

    • Assesses the accuracy of predicted field line intersections against observed intersections.
    • Computed similarly through the squared distances between predicted and observed intersections: $$ J{\text{fi}} = w{\text{fi}} \sum{j=1}^{M} \left( \text{dist}(r{\text{int}j}, r{\text{obs}_j}) \right)^2 $$
  3. State Change Cost (JscJ_{\text{sc}}):

    • Penalizes large deviations from the initial state estimate to ensure temporal consistency.
    • Expressed as: $$ J{\text{sc}} = w{\text{sc}} |\textbf{x} - \textbf{x}_{\text{init}}|^2 $$


The optimization is subject to the following constraints:

  • State Bounds:

    • Limits the allowable state changes between optimization steps to ensure the solution does not jump an unrealisic amount between updates $$ \textbf{x}{\text{init}} - \Delta \textbf{x} \leq \textbf{x} \leq \textbf{x}{\text{init}} + \Delta \textbf{x} $$
    • Here, Δx\Delta \textbf{x} represents the maximum allowable change in each state dimension (x, y, and θ\theta).
  • Minimum Field Line Points:

    • The algorithm requires a minimum number of field line points to run the optimization to ensure sufficient data for accurate estimation: $$ \text{Count}(\text{field line points}) \geq \text{Min points} $$
  • Robot Stability:

    • Optimization will not proceed if the robot is in an unstable state (e.g., falling): $$ \text{stability} > \text{FALLING} $$

Optimization Algorithm

  • The overall cost function optimized is: $$ J(\textbf{x}) = J{\text{fl}} + J{\text{fi}} + J_{\text{sc}} $$


  • x=[x,y,θ]T\textbf{x} = [x, y, \theta]^T represents the state vector.
  • wflw_{\text{fl}}, wfiw_{\text{fi}}, and wscw_{\text{sc}} are weights controlling the relative importance of each cost component.

Optimization is carried out using NLopt's COBYLA (Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations) algorithm, respecting the constraints and bounds set on the changes allowed in the state to ensure plausible and robust field localisation.


Include this module to allow the robot to estimate where the field is in world space.


  • message::vision::FieldLines uses the field line observations from FieldLineDetector module
  • message::vision::FieldLineIntersections uses the field line intersections from FieldLineDetector module


  • message::localisation::Field contains the estimated (x, y, theta) state


  • Eigen
  • utility::math::stats::MultivariateNormal Utility for sampling from a multivariate normal distribution



A localisation method for estimating the where the field is in world space, which relies on field line points and field line intersections using non-linear optimisation.

Optimization Setup

The optimization framework integrates several cost components and constraints to compute the optimal field localisation state:

Cost Components

  1. Field Line Alignment Cost (JflJ_{\text{fl}}):

    • Measures the alignment of predicted field lines with observed ones.
    • Calculated as the squared Euclidean distance between field line points and the nearest point on any observed line, scaled by a predefined weight: $$ J{\text{fl}} = w{\text{fl}} \sum{i=1}^{N} \left( \text{dist}(r{\text{obs}i}, r{\text{line}}) \right)^2 $$
  2. Field Line Intersection Cost (JfiJ_{\text{fi}}):

    • Assesses the accuracy of predicted field line intersections against observed intersections.
    • Computed similarly through the squared distances between predicted and observed intersections: $$ J{\text{fi}} = w{\text{fi}} \sum{j=1}^{M} \left( \text{dist}(r{\text{int}j}, r{\text{obs}_j}) \right)^2 $$
  3. State Change Cost (JscJ_{\text{sc}}):

    • Penalizes large deviations from the initial state estimate to ensure temporal consistency.
    • Expressed as: $$ J{\text{sc}} = w{\text{sc}} |\textbf{x} - \textbf{x}_{\text{init}}|^2 $$


The optimization is subject to the following constraints:

  • State Bounds:

    • Limits the allowable state changes between optimization steps to ensure the solution does not jump an unrealisic amount between updates $$ \textbf{x}{\text{init}} - \Delta \textbf{x} \leq \textbf{x} \leq \textbf{x}{\text{init}} + \Delta \textbf{x} $$
    • Here, Δx\Delta \textbf{x} represents the maximum allowable change in each state dimension (x, y, and θ\theta).
  • Minimum Field Line Points:

    • The algorithm requires a minimum number of field line points to run the optimization to ensure sufficient data for accurate estimation: $$ \text{Count}(\text{field line points}) \geq \text{Min points} $$
  • Robot Stability:

    • Optimization will not proceed if the robot is in an unstable state (e.g., falling): $$ \text{stability} > \text{FALLING} $$

Optimization Algorithm

  • The overall cost function optimized is: $$ J(\textbf{x}) = J{\text{fl}} + J{\text{fi}} + J_{\text{sc}} $$


  • x=[x,y,θ]T\textbf{x} = [x, y, \theta]^T represents the state vector.
  • wflw_{\text{fl}}, wfiw_{\text{fi}}, and wscw_{\text{sc}} are weights controlling the relative importance of each cost component.

Optimization is carried out using NLopt's COBYLA (Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations) algorithm, respecting the constraints and bounds set on the changes allowed in the state to ensure plausible and robust field localisation.


Include this module to allow the robot to estimate where the field is in world space.


  • message::vision::FieldLines uses the field line observations from FieldLineDetector module
  • message::vision::FieldLineIntersections uses the field line intersections from FieldLineDetector module


  • message::localisation::Field contains the estimated (x, y, theta) state


  • Eigen
  • utility::math::stats::MultivariateNormal Utility for sampling from a multivariate normal distribution



Estimates the position and velocity of other robots on the field.

The module works by tracking multiple robots using a UKF filter for each. Vision measurements are associated with each tracked robot using global nearest neighbor and an acceptance radius.

Tracked robots are discarded if they are not seen for a consecutive number of times when they should be visible.


Incluide this role to track other robots on the field.


  • message::vision::Robots uses the robot position estimates from vision
  • message::vision::GreenHorizon uses the GreenHorizon to manage tracked robots


  • message::localisation::Robots contains filtered robot positions and velocity estimates


NUbots acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands within our footprint areas: Awabakal, Darkinjung, Biripai, Worimi, Wonnarua, and Eora Nations. We acknowledge that our laboratory is situated on unceded Pambalong land. We pay respect to the wisdom of our Elders past and present.
Copyright © 2025 NUbots - CC-BY-4.0
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